Archive 09/13/11 - (1)



That Glow


With three interminably brief months to go,

In the coalescing of your soul's first fleshly flowering,

You, my thirty-seven-year-old baby, girl, daughter, Trilogy,

Are sharing, with your world and the cosmos, a glowing knowing,

An overflow of peaceful well-being I've never seen in you,

A serene pride in having wisely conceived

That earthly purpose grows beyond us while growing inside.


And my heart hums, harmonizes, hymns a perpetual smile

Those who know me recognize as a sacred grace note,

All of us sensing that new life is nigh,

Poised to remind us that endings aren't endless

And that beginnings are creation's way of saying we're eternal.

The glow that fills you, Trilogy, with such delight —

Could it be love becoming a being even greater than itself?








09/13/11 - (1)













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