Archive 04/23/12 - (2)



Seventh Day



We do our best to respect the Lord's fourth commandment

That, on every seventh day of every blessed week,

We sleep late, rest our work-weary, flesh-dressed bones,

Limit our undertakings to leisure pursuits,

Then return home, engage in meditative conversation,

Make space in which to express our gratitude

For the gift of living we've been given —

This sacred privilege, this grace-filled inspiration —

And celebrate the love that's hallowed us,

All Sunday wide, deep, and high,

Love you and I, Linda, embrace

Whenever we awaken into the palpable realization

That our adoration for each other

Is a sign, a symbol, a wondrous revelation

Of something never before danced and sung by woman and man.







04/23/12 - (2)













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