Archive 06/05/12 - (2)



And Yet It Doesn't


Seventy-nine years after Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany

And the Nazis opened Dachau, fifty-one days after he seized power;

Seventy-seven years after the imposition of the Nuremburg Race Laws;

Seventy-four years after the Anschluss of Austria,

The outbreak of Kristallnacht — Night of the Broken Glass;

Seventy-three years after the invasions of Czechoslovakia and Poland

And the Reich's, France's, and Great Britain's mutual declarations of war;

Seventy-one years after the beginning of Operation Barbarossa

(The Vaterland's ill-fated incursion into the Soviet Union);

Seventy years after the Wannsee Conference, at Évian,

To flesh out and conclude the Final Solution to the Jewish Question;

Sixty-nine years after the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and its crushing;

Sixty-seven years after the Russians' liberation of Auschwitz,

The Allies' emancipation of Buchenwald, Dachau, and Mauthausen,

And the start of the four-year Nuremburg War Crimes Trials . . .

The misanthropic, sociopathic, nihilistic legacy of the Nazi Holocaust,

Which disenfranchised and disposed of at least eleven million souls,

Seems more incredulously grotesque, monstrous, bestial, than ever,

And yet it doesn't,

Seems to shame the morality and compassion of humanity's conscience,

And yet it doesn't,

Rather asks, begs, exhorts us to do worse, go it one better, repeatedly,

By excusing it, forgiving it, forgetting it, denying it,

Using it as a blueprint for Mao's Cultural Revolution, Stalin's Great Purge,

Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge scourge, Mladić's and Milošević's ethnic cleansing,

The Hutus' liquidation of the Tutsis, in Rwanda,

Iran's divine plan to wipe Israel off the face of the earth . . .

Asks, begs, exhorts us to accept genocide, genocide, genocide,

As God's abiding reprisal for man's hubristic disobedience,

And yet it doesn't,

Rather asks, begs, exhorts us to consider, embrace, and execute

An even more comprehensive and enduring option: omnicide.






06/05/12 - (2)













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