Archive 06/06/12 - (1)



Narcissus Agonistes


Tripping morning light's fantastic,

Narcissus kisses

Miss Narcissus's lips,

Which are drifting

On ripples of a pool

Stippled with water spirits

Glistening in the mist

Lifting from mystical visions

Of his irresistible physical beauty,

Then, twitching spastically,

Slips into a paroxysmic fit,

Sick to his cosmic soul,

Realizing that, all these eons,

He's been hermaphroditic,

In love with both of him —

Animus and anima.

Disillusioned, despairing,

He dives through the mirror

Separating the two essences

Of his androgyny

And disappears

Into the fleshly depths

Of his depthless death wish.






06/06/12 - (1)













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