Archive 10/18/12



Super Certain


Lately, my fly-by-the-seat-of-fate's-pants days and nights

Are defying me to slow them down,

Ground them, by applying the trial-and-error methodologies

I learned from Frank and Joe Hardy, Huck Finn, Benjy Compson,

Back in the formative springtime of my fertile mind,

When I was super certain that anything I might invent

Would change the course of nations, nature, numbers, notions,

Reverse the orbits of dying planets, reconfigure the seasons,

Reorder the genetic code of mankind's life-force,

Exterminate the source from which emanates the breath of death,

With the hope that I might, once and forever and always all,

Obliterate the very notion of mortality itself,

Make it not only possible but an inalienable birthright,

That human beings, on being born, inherit timelessness.


But I'm finding that no matter what cognitive disciplines I deploy,

I can't seem to retard the metastasizing aging process,

Repulse its aggressive escalation,

Erase my kudzu-suffocating wrinkles, wens, warts, tags, and moles,

Bring back the definition of my flabby abdominal muscles,

Eradicate the fat from my once-svelte physique,

Persuade my days and nights to put the brakes on their breakneck pace,

So that I might take stock of what's passing, passed, past,

What's yet allocated to my powers, energies, capacities, potentialities

For staying alive long beyond my allotted three score and ten,

Make a credible case as to why I deserve immortality.

Tonight, I beseech Frank and Joe, Huck, and Benjy

To teach me just what I have to do to achieve their historical present,

Become the protagonist of my own endlessly unfolding story.




















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