Archive 11/26/08 - (1)




Until a few months ago, when the economy got lost,

I was referring to America

As "A-more-ica."


Hopefully, this recession-threatened Thanksgiving

Will bring most A-more-icans to the table,

Not to eat themselves to sleep


But to forsake their bloated, excessive, greedy ways,

Vow to become frugal, sharing, decent, caring people,

For having not quite enough.


I can hear you hissing, under your breath,

"Self-righteous bastard! It's easy for you to talk!

Poets are notorious bums, by choice!"


Maybe so. But all I know, if I've learned anything,

Is that after you secure food, shelter, clothing,

Treasures are free — curiosity, contemplation, creativity.




11/26/08 - (1)












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