Archive 09/24/09 - (3)


Southern-Shore Odyssey



Getting a way-too-late start on this midweek day,

For letting the water spirits on Chequamegon Bay

Fascinate me into protracted contemplation of native lore,


I dress in jeans, flannel shirt, hiking shoes.

Determined to make my return journey to Lake Nebagamon

A modern-day odyssey,


I begin at Gruenke's, in downtown Bayfield,

With three steaming blueberry pancakes, syrup, decaf,

Then head south, along Lake Superior, to Washburn,


Where I buy Loon Magic, at Chequamegon Books,

Stop at Coco, to purchase a baguette,

Then drive back north, to the orchards above Bayfield.


Arriving at Blue Vista Farm, I set about picking redfree apples —

Two half bushels, weighing twenty pounds each —

Which I intend, come Saturday, to make into applesauce.


With my fruit stashed securely in the car's trunk,

I'm off, again, easterly, toward unincorporated Cornucopia,

A village on Siskiwit Bay's sandy shore,


Boasting a modest marina, boat-repair facility,

Halvorson Fisheries, O'Bryon's and Fish Lipps restaurants,

And Ehlers early-twentieth-century general store,

Offering hardware, groceries, deli takeout,

Where I pay for a small plastic tub of homemade hummus,

Which, once by the water, I spread on my artisan bread,


Before resuming my drive, for another forty-five minutes,

And reaching the dirt road leading to the mouth of the Brule,

Flowing slowly into the mother of all freshwater lakes.


By this time, a palette of twilight is at my back.

I climb down the dunes, to the rocky beach, admire the wilds,

Watch a great blue heron wade along the river's banks,


Foraging, with primeval precision, for its afternoon catch.

By 5:45, I'm back at my cabin,

Glad to have had a brief retreat from my brief retreat.







09/24/09 - (3)












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