Archive 07/30/10



Young Again



Now that the grandkids have receded into their other existence

(That from which, for two too-fleet weeks, they'd flown,

To be our Midwest-summer guests),

We've settled back into our slower-motioned,

Slightly-less-highly-motivated, day-to-daily-paced routines,


But not without a lingering melancholy,

A not-so-unobtrusive sense of emptiness,

As if something we can't quite put our ears to —

Earth's timeless breathing, the pulse in our wrists — is missing

Or whispering to us, in the eaves just beneath our memories.


Could it be that, in our keeping, for that recent sweet interlude,

They were the spirited children we once reared,

As we remember them, anyway,

And we were young again, just starting out,

Charged with the grand, privileged mission of our lives?



















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