Archive 09/19/11





I repeat a litany of deep inhalations, extended exhalations,

To reinvigorate my depleted heart,

Sweep away aging's cobwebs, the days' dust,

Erase the tedious mosaic of my dreams' enervated state,

To make way for whatever fresh secrets, mysteries, epiphanies

Might disclose themselves, after today's peregrination

To a place from which my spirit disappeared, a year ago to the week.


I yet recall that necessary self-exile as if it were yesterbreath,

That urgent determination to seek new intuitions, insights, ideas,

Reject stasis, investigate the essence of change,

Let my emboldened soul lead me to the edges of ineffable universes.

But three hundred and sixty-seven illuminations later,

Weary of exploring other cosmoses, surfeited on metamorphoses,

I'm heading back to my cabin, on immutable Lake Nebagamon.



















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