Archive 12/18/11 - (2)



One Sunday Before Christmas


Today, a sunny, blue December Sunday,

One week before Christmas,

I'm spending the eloquent hours

Suspended in ebullient creativity's buoyant embrace,

Reflective, contemplative, meditative,


Penning verses, on the air's cave walls,

The earth's clay tablets, the clouds' vellum scrolls,

The water's papyrus, my own body's flesh,

Breathing in the breeze's freedom,

Singing out my spirit's song of songs of myself,


As though my exultant soul might compose a poem

Capable of making the Lord recite my supplication,

Praise me for losing myself to complete solitude,

The silence that guides the universe

As I seek, farther and deeper into its reaches,


The source that exceeds all understanding, wisdom,

Breeds epiphanies leading to peace, freedom, serenity,

In the guise of a sunny, blue December Sunday,

One week before Christmas . . .

A poem that begins with the birth of the world.










12/18/11 - (2)













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