Archive 06/16/12 - (1)



Togethering by the Shore



This liberating northern-Wisconsin Saturday morning,

We drowse in the exquisite symmetry of our late-rousing nakedness,

Just we romantics, in this lake-embraced cabin,

Investing intimacy with our lips, tongues, tingling fingertips and toes,

The commingling wellsprings of our swelling arteries and veins.


Now, how we've stepped across the invisible spider-thread bridge

Connecting our waking hours with this afternoon's intermittent rain,

We needn't ask the resident water spirits of this quiet place,

Since only we can take responsibility for the correct answer,

Explain time's insistence on the divinity of our souls.


Sitting outdoors, by the shore, focused on this peaceful immediacy,

Listening to the mating songs of two jubilant purple martins

Flitting, ardently, amidst mid-June's blooming cattails,

We rejoice in how fortunate we are to be part of these proceedings,

Seeing the lake shimmering in each other's glistening eyes.







06/16/12 - (1)













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