Archive 06/19/12 - (1)






We view a movie, in Duluth,

Whose subject — reaching the twilight years — touches us deeply,

Discuss its implications for us, our time together, now,

Over late dinner, at Pizza Luce, on East Superior Street,

Then drive home, in a slow afterglow swoon of mellow moods,

Keeping vision engaged, for the too-possible intrusion of deer

Leaping out, crossing Highway P's clinging birch and balsam-fir woods,

Before we reach our cabin, on Lake Nebagamon's town-side shore.


Settling in, for a midnight spell of star-charting, at dock's apogee

(Such astral scintillas of incandescent brilliance elude us, in the city),

We might be the first two humans, on this evening's solitudinous earth,

To confess that we let ourselves get in too much of a worry-flurry,

Forget how necessary it is to give time its widest berth,

Not fill our agendas with events of negligible potential for transcendence.


This Monday, our commingled gaze pays obeisance to the stars.

Though miniscule beneath the humbling infinitude of their presence,

We sense, in the agelessness of the heavens,

The power of our raging love to bathe us, in perpetual twilight.











06/19/12 - (1)













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