Archive 07/29/12



So Much Time     


It's July's final Sunday dawning,

And a soft, steady rain sates the thirsting earth.

The subtle blush of its perfume hovers in our bedroom,

Speaks love's intimacies — beautiful and smooth.

This lush interlude of pure touching belongs just to us.


"You're such a good lover," you whisper into who I am.

Her body's so fluid, so free, so fiery,

It's easy for me to respond to her desires.

Each part of her speaks to me, with natural sensuality.

I'm reborn whenever she tells me how she feels.


Now, I can feel her thinking,

I love how we set aside so much time, this way.

She knows I take pleasure from the pleasure she takes,

The serenity she senses when my senses, like the rain,

Become beautiful, smooth, soft, steady, lush . . . us.



















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