Archive 10/23/12 - (2)



Making Love to Sunday


One more wondrous Sunday morning invites us to awaken,

Come out from under our indoor slumber,

Into the open-air covenant of the sky's peaceful being,

Seize pieces of its circumambience's freedom,

That we might know how the sunshine and breeze feel

When they commingle their rays and shafts, sighs and gusts,

Touching every whisper of leaf, grass, petal, and twig,

Delivering their autumnal prophecies to whoever will listen,

Beckoning our souls' innocence to witness their transitioning.


Caressing, I press my hirsute chest against your smooth breasts,

Our flesh savoring the blessed flavors of tender lovemaking,

Before we leave the sweet fragrance of our bedsheets,

Shower, dress, you in a sheer frock, I in T-shirt and jeans,

The two of us eager to ease into a carpe diem state of mind,

Bequeath our psyches' identities to Sunday's sunshine and breeze.

Now outdoors, the wind translates our pleas for assimilation

Into nature's gestures of kindness and acceptance,

Sees to it that we feel completely at one with Sunday's grace.


As we finish synchronizing time with our internal clocks,

Twilight begins its subtle descent into evening's sensibilities.

The sunset's palette of violets, indigos, lavenders, pinks, yellows

Infuses our traipsing spirits with the colors of celestial love —

The stained glass of Chartres Cathedral's great rose window

Drawing us up, into its glorious manifestation of ecstasy.

Soon, the union of you and me communes with sun and moon.

Undressing, not yet surrendering to sleep's affectionate caress,

We enter into the eternal lovemaking of the unending universe.




10/23/12 - (2)













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